Industrial haritage of Ajdovščina
Spominska zbirka družine Kosovel - Kosovelova domačija
Vila Vipolže od prve omembe do danes
Briška klet: od konca 19. do začetka 20. stoletja
The exhibition presents the long and rich industrial haritage of Ajdovščina from the 16th century onwards. As we were working out the concept of the exhibition project, we found ourselves being drawn to new and different formats rather than the conventional spatially restricted museum exhibitions. Out of this came the idea to show the subject matter of the project outside in the open. With an in situ display, the townscape acts as the exhibition backdrop, and the industrial facilities impress on the visitor the significance of the town’s industrial past.
It is laid out as thirteen stops on the sites where the respective industrial facilities operated in the past or are still operating. This stops are Fužine (The ironworks), Nussbaumovi obrati (Nussbaum's facilities), Pale, Hidroelektrarna Hubelj (Hubelj Hidropower Plant), Jochmannov mlin (Jochmann mill), Papirnica (Paper Mill), Lipa, Tekstina, Fructal, IKA, Mlinotest, Primorje and Kovinsko. Each stop features an information board with a concise description of the facility. Scanning the QR code on the boards via smartphone apps lets visitors access detailed information and online multimedia content to find more about the historical background of each stop, use the audio guide, and watch photos or AV content. For visitors that are less tech savvy, the information is available as a hardcopy guide with the descriptions of each stop and the locations on the map.
The contents of the exhibition are accessed via website https://ida-ajdovscina.si in Slovenian and English.