
Price list

Price list of the Regional Museum Goriški muzej Kromberk - Nova Gorica


Kromberk Castle


6,00 €

Children (6+), students

3,00 €


4,00 €

Groups (price per person)

5,00 €

Family ticket

12,00 €

Villa Bartolomei in Solkan


5,00 €

Children (6+), students

2,00 €


3,00 €

Groups (price per person)

4,00 €

Family ticket

10,00 €

Museum Collection Railway Station in Nova Gorica, Pristava, Alojz Gradnik and Ludvik Zorzut Memorial House in Medana, Museum Collection Ajdovščina


4,00 €

Children (6+), students

2,00 €

Groups (price per person), pensioners

3,00 €

Family ticket

8,00 €

Escape room "Na šverc!" (price for 2 persons)

20,00 €

Escape room "Na šverc!" (price for 3 persons)

25,00 €

Exhibition Art beyond the visible (tactile gallery)


4,00 €

Children (6+), students

2,00 €


3,00 €

Groups (price per person)

3,00 €

Family ticket

8,00 €

Combined ticket for all locations


10,00 €

Children (6+), students

5,00 €

Groups (price per person), pensioners

8,00 €

Family ticket

20,00 €

The ticket is valid for 7 days after the purchase date.

Free Tickets

The following have free admission: honorary members of the Regional Museum Goriški muzej; holders of valid museum cards SMD and ICOM – ICOMOS, SUZD, DRS; art students of the General Secondary School Nova Gorica to Kromberk Castle; preschool children; reporters by presenting a press card; the disabled; escorts for the disabled; and the unemployed if documentary evidence is provided.

Photographing the exhibitions and exhibits for personal use is allowed only without a flash or tripod.

Filming and photographingwith the intention of publishing the recordings is allowed only with prior written permission from the management of the Regional Museum Goriški muzej.


GUIDED TOURS (public guided tours and arranged guided tours)

Kromberk Castle, Villa Bartolomei:

Entrance fee + 3 €/person

Entrance fee + 1 €/person for school groups

1 €/person for preschool groups

Museum Collection Railway Station in Nova Gorica,
Alojz Gradnik and Ludvik Zorzut Memorial House,
Museum Collection Ajdovščina, tactile gallery:

Entrance fee + 2 €/person

Entrance fee + 1 €/person for school groups

1 €/person for preschool groups

Industrial haritage of Ajdovščina:

Entrance fee + 3 €/person

Entrance fee + 2 €/person for school groups

Guided tours for announced groups of up to 10 people

Kromberk Castle, Villa Bartolomei:

30,00 €

Museum Collection Railway Station in Nova Gorica,
Pristava, Alojz Gradnik and Ludvik Zorzut
Memorial House, Museum Collection Ajdovščina, tactile gallery:

20,00 €

For further information call the number: +386 (0)5 335 98 11, e-mail
