DYNAMISM OF THE MATTER – retrospective exhibition
Avgust Černigoj, his companions and students
Biedermeier Living Room of the Coronini Counts
The exhibition is dedicated to the sculptor Marcello Mascherini (Udine, 1906–Padua, 1983), 40 years after his death, with a corpus of bronzes, sketches and etchings, but also photographs, original documentation and his work tools.
On display are over 50 works including sculptures by Mascherini and photographs by Massimo Gardone, Davide Maria Palusa and Mario Sillani Djerrahian, which are placed in dialogue and contrast with the vital sculptures of Zdenko Kalin (Solkan, 1911–Ljubljana, 1990), Janez Lenassi (Opatija, 1927–Piran, 2008) and Vasja Žbona (Miren, 1945–Paris, 2013) from the Art Collection of the Kromberk Castle, together with the iconic birds of Vladimir Makuc (Solkan 1925–Ljubljana 2016), of which the Goriški muzej keeps the precious collection. The exhibition therefore intends to analyze how Italian and Slovenian artists have addressed, and brilliantly resolved, the theme of wind, air and flight, and is part of the ninth edition of L'Energia dei Luoghi / Festival del Vento e della Pietra, organized by the Casa CAVE association of Visogliano/Vižovlje and supported by the Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region, the Municipality of Duino Aurisina, the Pietro Pittini Foundation and the Kathleen Foreman Casali Foundation.
From the collection preserved at the Marcello Mascherini Archive, we are displaying at the castle for the first time a set of bronzes from the late 1960s and early 1970s, which testify to the artist's interest in aerial phenomena. We have enriched the exhibition with works by artists, especially sculptors from our collection, works that were already in the permanent exhibition, but which are presented to us in a different way in a new context. In dialogue with the Italian master, the sculptures of Zdenko Kalin, Janez Lenassi, Vasja Žbona and the sculptures and paintings of Vladimir Makuc captivate us again, connected by a new common thread, despite the different conceptual origins, techniques, places and times of creation.
By invitation of Massimo Premuda, three contemporary artists, Massimo Gardone, Davide Maria Palusa and Mario Sillani Djerrahian, reinterpreted after many years from their creation three sculptural works by Mascherini dedicated to the winds of our territory, the "Bora" and "Scirocco" bronzes of 1951, which decorated the cruise ship Augustus and are today exhibited at the MuCa, the Shipbuilding Museum of Monfalcone, and "Fight of Chimeras" from 1967, the bronze group installed at the intersection of the streets Palestrina and San Francesco in Borgo Franceschino in Trieste.
The main characteristic that all the artists in the exhibition have in common, even those who have moved from elsewhere, is precisely the suggestion exerted by the territory. Each of them has been marked by this fragment of land, by the rocky structures, by the vegetation, the fauna, the winds, the sea... and also by human beings, generators of this society, so complex, difficult, oppressive and at the same time light and playful, showing its best side in great works of art.
Location: Kromberk Castle
9 Nov 2023
14 Apr 2024
Curators Massimo Premuda and Katarina Brešan